Thursday 14 August 2014

Tips for Completing a Job Application

With so many people leaving school, college and university at this time of year we thought we would look at the right way to complete job applications, to give you the best chance of landing your perfect job!
Firstly, do not just jump in feet first! Many job applications will be accompanied with instructions, it is important to read and follow them. For example you may be asked to ring first for an informal chat. If you are given this opportunity then take it as it will give you the chance to pick up lots of valuable information. By asking the right questions you should be able to find out more about the type of strengths and skills they are looking for, and then be able to tailor your application accordingly. On the other hand it may say something as simple as use a black pen or complete online. It is most likely that the employer will receive many applications for the vacancy so anyone that can’t follow the most basic of instructions is most likely to be disregarded at this point.
 Remember to write clearly and precisely, the employer is likely to be a busy person and will not have the time to wade through page after page of waffle picking out the salient points. If you are given a copy of the job description and personal specification follow these to highlight the reasons that show why you are the best candidate for the job. Do not lie on your application; if you do and you are found out at a later date then you are likely to lose your job and credibility. However, there is no reason why you cannot stretch the truth a little, and give non work based experiences to show that you possess the qualities that the employer requires. For example if it states that you must be able to work as part of a team then you can give an example that is not work related. It could be that you have been part of a sports team, and you can explain why it was necessary for you all to work together to make the team successful. Similarly, they may be looking for someone with good budgeting skills. Okay you may have little experience in the field of employment but I’m guessing all you guys who have been students for a number of years have a lot of experience of living on a budget! You see most life skills and experiences are valuable and transferrable to the world of employment. 

Although the picture says that this applicant was hired, we would not suggest being this truthful in your application!
Obviously, you need to complete the application in draft first. Read and re-read to check the spelling and grammar are correct. Do not rely on an auto corrector to pick up your mistakes. Although they are fine for picking up the odd typing error, none of them are perfect and will sometimes change grammar that does not need changing, and loses the sense of your work. Similarly they will often try and change your spellings to the American version. This is fine if you are applying to an American company but otherwise should be avoided. It is important to spend some time making sure the application is correct, it displays to a prospective employer that you take a pride in your work, and are treating the search for employment seriously.
Lastly, be yourself. If this is the right job for you and you can show that you have the necessary qualifications and experiences then be confident in showing the employer who you are. Let your personality shine through, so that your application stands out from the others and encourages the employer to invite you for an interview to discuss your abilities in more detail and learn more about you.
Do not be discouraged if you do not receive a reply to your first application or do not get asked for interview, there are many, many candidates applying for each position. Just stick at it and keep trying. The more applications you complete the more confident you will become and the whole process becomes easier.
Good luck to anyone on a job search at the moment!

Next week we will take a look at tips for attending interviews.   
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