Wednesday 26 November 2014

Management Speak Part 2 - Nouns to Verbs

Last week we started to look at some of the strange words and phrases that are found in everyday business and management scenarios. We continue this theme this week as we investigate some more, well known and often despised, terms you find in nearly every modern field of employment.

To begin, let us have a look at a very common series of words and phrases that have been borrowed from other parts of life. These terms usually have a very strictly defined meaning in their original use, but have been adopted by, and adapted into modern business speak, to the extent that their original meaning has been lost.

The first example of this is the word “leverage”. This word, when used in modern business speak, simply means to use something, often to achieve a result. However, the origin of the word leverage is in the high-powered financial world, where it meant something entirely different. It was used to describe financial transactions, often corporate buy-outs, where the money used to fund the transaction was temporarily borrowed from other sources, and would be paid back when the deal was successful. In other words, it meant taking a gamble with other people’s money!

“Paradigm shift” is another term that has lost its original meaning. Nowadays, in the world of management speak, it means to look at something differently, or to change the way of doing something. But the first uses of this phrase described scientific breakthroughs that completely changed the way that we looked at the world. Mendel’s work on genetics and Einstein’s studies on relativity were the type of revelations that caused everyone to see these areas in a completely new way. I fear that the overuse of this phrase has watered down its original meaning of something entirely new and groundbreaking!

Other scientific terms that have found their way into management jargon are “mission critical” (failure of a specific task jeopardises the entire project) and “synergy” (the output from two components combined exceeds the outputs of the individual components). Both are used every day in business planning, in ways that are totally alien to their original meanings.

Another area in which management speak excels is to take a perfectly ordinary noun, and make a verb out of it! Perhaps the most common word to be abused in this way is the noun “incentive” which is an encouragement for someone to do something. This has created the new, management speak, verb “incentivize”, which is used to suggest taking action to create incentives for people (often customers). Even worse, “incentivize” now has an opposite, “disincentivize”!

There are a number of examples of the trend to create new verbs. Consider “calenderise” (make a date in your diary), and “repurpose” (use something differently). You can also “task” someone to do something, which may involve “solutioning” a problem (no, I don’t know why “solve” is not good enough!). On the other hand, you can also make a verb into a noun, which gives us a term like “deliverable” (an outcome which can be delivered!).

You may have guessed that I am not exactly pleased at this possible corruption of the English language. However, there is a very persuasive argument that in fact this new way of using language represents the natural evolution of the way we speak to accommodate new ideas and concepts. Language needs to develop as times change, and psychologists believe that the human brain cannot understand concepts that there are no words to describe. Once you have a descriptor, the idea becomes acceptable. I will leave you to decide!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, and if you need help with your written English, please visit our website.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Know Your "Management Speak"

This week we thought we would take a look at some of the eccentricities of English when used in the business world. Over the last few years a number of phrases have become very common in business “management speak”, which can be very confusing when you hear them for the first time! However, fear not; our handy guide to “management speak” will help you navigate these obstacles with ease.

Firstly, let us take a look at how you think. Modern businesses are always striving to find new ways to do things. For this reason you are constantly asked to “think outside the box”. This means you should think about the issues without being restricted by the way things have been done previously, and not be boxed in by old fashioned ideas. On a larger scale, you may be encouraged to use “blue sky thinking”, particularly when discussing more strategic ideas. Blue sky thinking implies that everything can be possible if planned properly.

While we are up in the blue skies, it is worth mentioning another modern phrase, “helicopter view”. This suggests that a problem is being viewed in its entirety from above, again with the implication that the view is unrestricted, and therefore allows for a better understanding of a problem. However, to get to the root cause of a problem you may need to change your perspective, and “drill down” to find exactly what the issues are. This means that you need to examine the small details to find out where things are going wrong.

Once an idea has appeared, you should “run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it”.  Discussing the idea will let you know how popular it is, and who will support it.

After examining the problem, and having reached a decision, it is important that everyone then “sings from the same song sheet”. With its connotations of a large number of people all singing the same words to the same music, this phrase means that everyone will say the same thing about the decisions or strategies, whether they agree or not! Those who disagree will be required to “toe the line”, or not to publicly display their objections.

Let us now move on to putting the decisions into practice. The first thing to ensure is that you are operating on “a level playing field”. If you imagine a sports field that slopes steeply towards one end you can see that the team playing down the slope has a distinct advantage over the team playing uphill! This is the same in business, and the “level playing field” euphemism indicates that you are not starting at a disadvantage.

Once you are operating it is important to “pick the low hanging fruit”. This very visual image suggesting a farmer collecting apples in an orchard actually means that you should go for the easy results first, and leave the more difficult targets until later. This concept is also reflected in the “Eighty Twenty Rule”, which suggests that you achieve 80% of your results with 20% of your efforts, but the remaining 20% of your results will take 80% of your work.

There are far too many examples of “management speak” for one blog, and we will return to this subject in future blogs. However, be aware that this type of usage of the English language (some might term it abusage!) is widely seen as humorous by those who have to endure it. These phrases are commonly called “buzzwords” and it is not unknown for employees to play a game called “Buzzword Bingo” in management meetings or presentations. This game involves a number of colleagues preparing lists of the buzzwords they expect to hear. As the meeting progresses the lists are ticked off as each word appears, and the first person to tick off their entire list calls out “Bingo”, and is declared the winner. Well that is one way of dealing with the boredom of most management meetings! Such is the popularity of this mild form of employee anarchy that Buzzword Bingo cards are now available online!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, and have a look at our website. Remember that there is a 10% discount for anyone who mentions our blog or Facebook page until the end of December.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Getting Capitals Right - A Capital Idea

A couple of friends have mentioned lately that they sometimes get a little confused about when they should use capital letters in their written English. With this in mind, we thought we should look at some guidelines that we hope will be helpful when you are practising your English.

So let’s start with some easy rules first - :
1.    The first word of every sentence always starts with a capital letter. Always!

2.    The pronoun “I” is always capitalised, wherever it appears in a sentence.
The sea was so cold I did not go in for a swim.

3.    Proper nouns should always be capitalised. As I’m sure you know a proper noun is a name that identifies a person, place or thing. So this will include the names of rivers and mountains, of countries and languages, of religions, sports teams and organisations.


a.    My name is Jenny Jones. My address is 3 Sunshine Street, Blackhill, Scotland, United Kingdom.
b.    Have you visited Snowdonia National Park?
c.    My favourite football team is Manchester United.

Please note that whilst the names of the days of the week and months of the year are capitalised, generally the seasons are not.

d.    Everybody knows that Friday night is curry night!
e.    I love the spring best of all. (No capital).
So to recap, use a capital letter to start the first word of every sentence, always when using the pronoun “I” and when using proper nouns.
However, there are other times when we should use a capital letter to start a word.
4.    The first word of direct speech, even if not the beginning of the sentence should be capitalised.
Jane asked “Can I have a chocolate ice-cream?”

5.    Compass directions are capitalised if they refer to particular places or regions, but not if they are given as directions. Let’s look at a couple of examples to clarify.

a.    I would love to visit Eastern Europe.
b.    The North has the highest unemployment figures.
These refer to particular places so need to be capitalised.
c.     Drive east along the motorway until you see the right turn off.
d.     Birds fly south in the winter.
In the last two examples you do not need to capitalise as they are referring to a direction rather than a specific place.
6.    When it comes to words used to describe family relationships (mother, father, brother, sister etc), they should be capitalised if they are used as proper nouns (in place of the person’s name).
a.    Tomorrow, I am going to lunch with Mum.
b.    I wrote a thank you note to Uncle Peter. 
However if the word is proceeded by a possessive (my, your, his, her, their), then it is not being used as a proper noun so should not be capitalised.
c.    Tomorrow I am going to lunch with my mum.
d.    I wrote a thank you note to your uncle.

7.    If a person’s title comes before their name it should be capitalised.
a.    I saw the Duke of Edinburgh.
b.    President Obama is the first black president of the USA.

However, there is no need to capitalise the title if it does not immediately precede the name. 
c.    Barrack Obama is the first black president of the USA.

8.    When it comes to brand names, these are proper nouns so should be capitalised, but the noun they refer to should not be given a capital. So I would write about a Mercedes car, an Apple laptop or my Calvin Klein perfume!

I hope this has helped to clarify when words need to be capitalised.

Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook, and remember, if you need help with written English, visit our website at Written English Corrected.      

Sunday 9 November 2014

We Are Back In Business

Great News

Once again Written English Corrected is back at work. We offer a proofreading and text correction service for individuals and businesses worldwide who are not sure about the standard of their written English.

Whether it is an application for employment, a business prospectus, a catalogue or just a letter, let us help you to get it right!

Visit our webpage for more information.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Mouse - Mice, House - Hice? No! Making Sense of Plurals.

So, today we are going to take a look at some rules we can follow to help us use the correct ending when we are talking, or writing, about plural nouns.

1.    You can make many nouns plural simply by adding an “s” to them. So for example if someone says “the dog was black and white”, you know they are talking of one dog. However, if they were to say “the dogs are black and white”, whilst you do not know how many dogs they are referring to, you know there are more than one.


2.    For other nouns you need to add an “es” to make plural. This is particularly true (but not exclusively) to nouns ending in “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “ch” or “x”.


3.    If a noun ends in a vowel followed by a “y” add “s” to make its plural form.


Nouns that can be made plural by adding an “s” or “es” to their singular form are known as regular nouns.

However there are some nouns that do not follow the add an “s” or “es” rule. These are known as irregular nouns.  

4.    Let’s think about nouns that end in a consonant followed by “y”. To make these plural the “y” is dropped and replaced with “ies”.


5.    For nouns that end in “f” or “fe” make plural by changing the “f” or “fe” to “v” and then add “es”.


6.    As you have probably guessed, this being English, there are some irregular nouns that do not fit into these rules at all. Their plural takes on a whole new ending!   


7.    Of course we mustn't forget that there are some nouns that are the same whether singular or plural!

I hope these guidelines help to make it a little easier to work out which is the correct way to make your noun into a plural.

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