Wednesday 10 September 2014

Good Luck Scotland - Whatever You Decide

Next week there is a referendum in Scotland for the Scottish people to decide upon independence from the UK.  For those who are not aware of the history of Great Britain, Scotland was an independent country until 1603, when the then King of Scotland also inherited the monarchy of England. The two countries became linked under one monarchy, and the union of Scotland and England was sealed by the Act of Union in 1707. Now there is a growing movement within Scotland to return to being an independent country.

It appears to have been assumed by the British Government that the “Better Together” campaign for a vote against independence would be successful. However, as polling day draws ever nearer the two campaigns are very close, with the pro independence campaign just creeping ahead. No-one can be sure what the outcome will be, but one thing that can be left in no doubt is that the Scottish people do not like the harsh politics of recent UK governments. The Scottish people have repeatedly shown that they care about public services, the National Health Service and living in a fair society.    

However as this is not a political blog, I just thought it would be a nice gesture to give Scotland some recognition, and take a look at what makes this country a magical place to visit. Although I am Welsh I have been lucky enough to spend over one year living in Kirkwall, the capital of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, and so have firsthand experience of what it is like living on a Scottish Island.

Okay so I will give you the good and the bad! The scenery is amazing, the people are some of the friendliest and welcoming you will find anywhere, but the weather can be grey and dreary! Scotland has its own language (Gaelic), although the official language is English. Saying that, the English that is spoken in Scotland is very different to the English spoken in England; both in the words used and the regional accents. To give you an example, the most common word for small is Scotland would be “wee”, however where I was staying in the Islands it was “peedie”, a word I love and still use today. To be honest the first couple of months of living there I had to concentrate really hard to understand everything that was said to me – but it was fun and I soon got to grips with it!

When you think of Scotland is the first thing that comes to mind a kilted bagpipe player, or is it maybe the beautiful Lochs (lakes), or the fantastic Scottish scenery and castles?  Well all these are correct!  The Scotland you read about and imagine is the Scotland you will find. However, there are also major cities with the shops, restaurants and nightlife you would expect to find in modern European cities. Edinburgh, the capital, is full of life and perfect for a long weekend away. The imposing Castle looks over the fantastic city. One thing is for sure, you will get to meet the Scots, who embrace visitors and are always happy to help you enjoy yourself.

Scotland has the vote for independence on the 18th September 2014. It is up to the Scottish people to determine their future. If you are Scottish, however you choose to vote please know that you will have friendly neighbours who love your beautiful country. Whatever you decide, we wish you all the luck in the world!     

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If you want to find out more about the upcoming referendum in Scotland, visit the BBC News explanation page here.

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